Beyond White Privilege: A Conversation with Nanette Massey
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 • 8 Sivan 5781
7:00 PM - 8:30 PMBeyond White Privilege: A Conversation with Nanette Massey

Wednesday, May 19, 7-8:30pm
The next event in Shir Hadash's series of anti-racism programs occurs Wednesday night as we hear guest speaker Nanette Massey. Ms. Massey will focus on the "White Women's Tears" chapter of the book White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo.
In order to better understand what will be discussed, it is strongly encouraged that you read this chapter at minimum, and preferably the entire book, before Wednesday night. Also, ponder the question, "Why is it inappropriate to wear a white dress to another woman's wedding?"
Nanette D. Massey is a Black writer and workshop facilitator who lives in Buffalo, NY. She speaks with audiences about having honest, effective conversations about race. Her purpose is to help her white allies "figure out this whole 'race' thing." We look forward to learning with Ms. Massey on May 19th. To learn more about Nanette D. Massey, click here for her website
Register below! Closer to the event, the Zoom link will be emailed to those who have registered (it will not be in the automatic confirmation email, so keep an eye on your inbox). Questions? Email
Thank you to Shir Hadash member Iris Iglarsh for inviting Shir Hadash Synagogue to co-sponsor this presentation with her National Organization for Women (NOW) chapter.
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