Pre-Pesach Wine Tasting
Sunday, March 23, 2025 • 23 Adar 5785
1:00 PM - 3:00 PMAt Shir HadashJoin us for a fun and educational experience at our 1st Passover Wine Tasting!
Everyone will have an opportunity to taste 10 different wines that are all Kosher for Passover. The vendor will talk about each wine, tell us things like where they come from and what kind of grapes make the wine, and share a sample to taste. When we are done you will be able to choose your favorites and order them from a store in Rogers Park. The wines will be delivered to Shir Hadash where you can pick up your order. All in time for your 1st seder!
A few of us had a chance to experience a mini tasting, and it was a ton of fun and delicious! Please come for the beginning and stay through the end so you don’t miss anything.
Members who register before 3/17 will get the early-bird rate!
Please scroll down to register, and bring a friend! (Registrations at the door are welcome too, but your RSVP helps us make sure we plan for enough people.)
Suggested donations are:
Members: Early bird (prior to 3/17) - $15 per person. After 3/17: $18 per person.
Non-members: $20 per person
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