Simchat Torah Pizza Dinner & Celebration w/ Klezmer Band - Hybrid
Sunday, October 8, 2023 • 23 Tishrei 5784
5:30 PM - 9:30 PMShir Hadash & Zoom5:30pm Pizza Dinner - Registration Required - Scroll down to register
All pizza is vegetarian, and we will have milk-free, gluten-free, and milk-and-gluten-free options available. After you've registered, click here to let us know which kinds of pizza you and your party prefer so we can order plenty for everyone.
6:30pm Simchat Torah Service - Hybrid (Zoom link below) - Can't make it for dinner? Join us as we unroll the entire Torah, learn from Interim Rabbi Kevin Bernstein about this fascinating scroll, and start over from the beginning! We'll dance, of course, with music by the Mighty Shir Hadash Klezmer Band, and honor new students in our Sunday School.
Potluck Oneg to follow, featuring our traditional taffy apples!
'Affy Tapple' Details:
Before this service, reserve your Affy Tapples here!
If you're joining in person, you can pick up your taffy apples during the oneg!
If you're joining via Zoom, swing by the synagogue to pick them up during the pickup windows (this Friday from 10am-2pm and this Sunday from 9:30am-12:30pm) then enjoy your Affy Tapples while on Zoom for the service.
For those joining via Zoom: Click here to join
(Meeting ID: 869 2916 5393, Passcode: 757767)
Questions? Contact the office at or (847)498-8218.
This event is lovingly brought to you by the Creative Worship & Ritual and Programming Committees.
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