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Volunteer Form

For the task is too heavy for you: You cannot do it alone.

Exodus 18:18


As Shir Hadash continues to flourish, we want everyone to know he or she has the opportunity to be a part of and participate in our community and that our synagogue can only succeed with your help.

There are a number of ways you can choose to be involved with Shir Hadash.  You can choose to be a volunteer, participate in our special organizations and activities, serve on a standing committee, or enroll in an educational program. Currently, we have volunteers working on a variety of groups, programs, and projects.

If you are interested in becoming more involved, we would love to have you. Whatever time you have to offer is more than welcome. Please check off your interests on the list below and a member of the Board of Directors will follow up with you.

To look at some of the areas you may be interested in, use the links below to "jump" to that section.

Specific Tasks  
Hachnasat Orchim Creating an Open and Welcoming Community
Bikkur Cholim Helping & Visiting the Sick
Religious School Support our amazing school
Fundraising Put the fun back in FUNdraising
Groups & Committees  

Specific Tasks

These are specific tasks each committee has defined.  In general, we need 1-5 people for each task, but if we have more volunteers for a given position, the monthly time commitment will be lower.


Other Volunteer Opportunities

Help the office with administrative work.   Flexible time commitment, multiple volunteers needed.

Help on the High Holidays with ushering, setting up or cleaning up the sanctuary, preparing the onegs.  There are a wide variety of tasks and we can use a large team!  During High Holidays only.

We need someone to keep our kitchen neat and tidy.  Make certain everything is in its' proper place, empty the refrigerator, wash the towels.

We are looking for someone to sort and shelve the books in the synagogue and school libraries.

Organize and manage Rosh Chodesh women's group.

Photograph events during the year and email the photos to our office and marketing team.

Groups and Committees at Shir Hadash

Are you interested in joining a committee or two?  Please indicate that here.  For descriptions of each committee, see our Committees & Activities page.

Hachnasat Orchim - Creating an Open and Welcoming Community

Welcoming of guests takes precedence over study...
Talmud, Shabbat 127a
Coordinate and work with a small group of volunteers to set up and operate the coffee and bagel bar on a Sunday morning a Sunday morning.  A Sunday morning commitment.
Welcome Wagon volunteers meet with new members to delivery welcome packages and answer questions so that new members feel welcomed and comfortable.

A critical task, but not a huge time commitment! The Keeper of the Oneg List (KOOL) ensures we have Oneg Hosts and Service Greeters, reminding families of their designated days, forwarding 'how-tos' for our volunteers and helping to fill open time slots (helping, not filling!)

Click HERE to go to the top of the page.


Bikkur Cholim (Helping & Visiting the Sick) Volunteer Opportunities


The mitzvah of Bikkur Cholim obligates the community to take care of the worldly concerns of the patient and to provide essential peace of mind.

Shulchan Aruch

Organize and run a card program to send Get Well Soon cards to members who have fallen ill as well as sending cards when donations are made in a member's honor or in memoriam.  3 upfront hours, about 1 hour/month after that.

Click HERE to go to the top of the page.


Publicity and Marketing Volunteer Opportunities
May the door of this synagogue be wide enough to receive all who hunger for love,
all who are lonely for fellowship.
May it welcome all who have cares to unburden, thanks to express, hopes to nurture.
May this synagogue be, for all who enter, the doorway to a richer and more meaningful life.
Rabbi Sydney Greenberg, Mishkan Tefillah

Post press releases onto Patch and TribLocal websites and submit upcoming events and announcements on community calendar listings.

Review the content on our website to ensure it is up to date.

Hang flyers in coffee shops and on local information boards.  We need several people to hang flyers in key locations.

Write monthly press releases highlighting upcoming or recent Shir Hadash events.

Create flyers monthly to publicize upcoming Shir Hadash events.

Research and apply for grants.  Grant writing experience desirable but not required.  Time commitment varies.

Make in-reach phone calls to our current members and/or out reach phone calls to prospective members.

Photograph several worship services during the year and email the photos to our office and marketing team.

Click HERE to go to the top of the page.


Religious School Volunteer Opportunities 

It is not your responsibility to complete the work but neither can you ignore it.
Pirkei Avot 2:26

Room parents support the school by contacting parents as necessary, organizes class events outside of school, etc.  There are detailed instructions available.

Come to Religious school and take photographs of several regular days and special events like Family Education Days, Purim or Yom Tikkun Olam.

Be a sounding board for the Director, teachers and other parents in the religious school.

Click HERE to go to the top of the page.


Help raise funds for Shir Hadash

A public fund needs to be collected by no less than two people, and distributed by no less than three people.

Mishnah Pe’ah 8:7

Help staff the shop Shir Hadash table at Sunday school and/or help deliver Shop purchases to people unable to pick up.

Set up a monthly Dining for Dollars restaurant fund-raiser.  Create a flyer for marketing or work with marketing to ensure event is properly promoted.  We have a list of potential restaurants available.

Help staff the Gift Shop on Sunday mornings during Religious School as well as other times during the year.

Click HERE to go to the top of the page.

If you have specialized skills or talents that you are willing to share, please let us know what they are!  

A copy of your submission will be sent to you.

Wed, May 8 2024 30 Nisan 5784