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If you're a current member, make sure you're signed in to Shulcloud using the Login button in the upper right of this page. To get around, use the menu above to see the Calendar, search the Directory, and more.

Questions? Contact the office at

Membership Renewal & New Member Registration Info

Click here for information and instructions for renewing your membership and submitting other forms, including the Religious School and Madrichim forms. If you're a current member, make sure you're signed in to Shulcloud before starting (use the Sign In button in the upper right of this page).

Please remember to renew your membership before registering for the High Holidays!

Questions? Contact the office at

Religious School Avodah Program

AVODAH means work, worship, and service.  AVODAH is one of the tenants of our Religious School teachings.  In order for all of us to embrace the true meaning of AVODAH we must attend a variety of services, perform mitzvot, and volunteer within the synagogue.

As it was last year, all students must attend a set number of services (their grade level plus 2 more).  For this year, they must attend their grade-level in number of SHABBAT services.  Festivals and High Holidays do not count.  The other 2 of the requirement could be completed with other services or your child could complete a mitzvah, volunteer at Shir Hadash, participate in a Social Action Committee project, or perform an act of Tikkun Olam.

On Sunday mornings, students will be asked to share what services they have attended or other acts of AVODAH.  These will be recorded on our virtual "Honorable Mensches" board.  The board can be viewed here at any time, but only Rachel or Alan will be able to add to it.

Shop Shir Hadash Needs You! 

Shop Shir Hadash is the shul's ongoing no-cost fundraising program.

Purchase gift cards for the places you are going anyway (grocery, drugstore, gas station, restaurant) and the congregation earns a percentage.  See here for more information.  

Questions?  Email

Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785